California Junior Scholarship Federation

California Junior Scholarship Federation

Founded in 1967, CJSF fosters high standards of scholarship, service and citizenship in the middle school grades. CJSF emphasizes service to the school and the community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement.
There are 1200 CJSF throughout California which foster the recognition, motivation, and education of academically talented students. 


Cavitt Junior High School is proud to be in year seven of having a chapter of California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF).  Founded in 1967, CJSF fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in the middle school grades. CJSF emphasizes service to the school and the community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement. In recent years, the rapid growth of CJSF has greatly strengthened CSF at the high school level.  CJSF ties in well with our Academic Awards Program, which is sponsored by our PTC.

CJSF is meant to recognize students for their hard work and dedication to their academics.  Students may become Honor Award Members through their membership.  Students who qualify and are part of CJSF for a minimum of two trimesters of each 7th grade and 8th grade (four trimesters minimum) will be honored.     

Those who qualify have the Honor Award seal placed on their certificate of promotion and are eligible to wear the CJSF gold pin at graduation.  All 8th grade CJSF Honor members will be recognized at graduation as well.   CJSF also sponsors an awards program.  Each year, advisers nominate two outstanding members for special recognition in the CJSF Outstanding Student Award program.  Those selected as winners by regional subcommittees are presented with a $250 award and medallion, in addition to the certificate.

In order to be part of CJSF, a student will need to submit his/her application and possibly a recommended $10 Trimester donation.  Once your student is part of CJSF, he/she will attend monthly club meetings at lunch to discuss upcoming events.  Events that CJSF members may plan can include the following: create a Service Learning Project, organize a field trip to a college or business, and arrange guest speakers to speak to the club members about college and/or careers. Donations will go toward events put on for CJSF, paying our school’s yearly charter fee, and the special awards that are presented to Honor members.

We hope that parents and our students will become involved in this exciting opportunity here at Cavitt Junior High.  For further questions, please contact the CJSF advisors.




CJSF Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are earned each semester. In order to become a member, the student must submit an application based on the previous semester's grades. Applications can be picked up in the front office. 
A point system specified in the CJSF State By-Laws establishes the membership requirement
CJSF points are granted as follows:
  • A = 3 points
  • B = 1 point
  • One additional point shall be granted for a grade of "A" or "B" in an Honors course, up to a maximum of two such points per semester.
  • C = 0 point
  • D/F = will debar from membership if received in ANY class 
Honor Award Members

Honor Award Members

CJSF students may become Honor Award Members. Those who qualify have the Honor Award seal placed on their certificate of promotion and are eligible to wear the CJSF gold pin. CJSF also sponsors an awards program.
Each year, advisers nominate Honor Award members for special recognition in the CJSF Outstanding Student Award program. All nominees are recognized at their spring conferences, receiving award certificates. Those selected as recipients by regional subcommittees are presented with a $250 award and medallion, in addition to the certificate. 
CJSF Advisors

CJSF Advisors

Mrs. Laurin and Mr. Cook