Using PhET Sims

Using PhET Sims

Use these sims to play and learn! Manipulate the variables to solidify your understanding.  

Look for instances of:

  • Patterns....

  • Cause and Effect...

  • Stability and Change

Think about:

  • Systems and System Models...

  • Structures and Functions...

  • Energy and Matter...

  • Scale, Proportion and Quantity...

Physics: Energy

Physics: Energy

Energy Forms and Changes

Energy Forms and Changes

Pendulum Puppet: Energy Simulation

Pendulum Puppet: Energy Simulation

Pendulum energy : Calculating KE and PE from height and speed of Puppet

Pendulum energy : Calculating KE and PE from height and speed of Puppet

Skate Park Basics:

Skate Park Basics:

Physics: Forces and Motion

Physics: Forces and Motion

Forces and Motion Basics

Forces and Motion Basics