Advanced STEAM Handouts and Links

Advanced STEAM Handouts and Links

Keep up to date with assignments and projects; revise and print assignments on line.  This will be a work in progress. 
Go to Google Classroom: for the Weekly Logs
Complete Monday or Tuesday with your Learning Goal for the week
Complete by Friday with two specific Learning Accomplishments
Adv. STEAM Handouts:

Environmental Ecology

Create and Innovate with littleBits

Field Guide: Nature Study & Journaling

The Human Genome

Art & Science of Folding

STEM Preview: for incoming 7th graders

STEM Preview: for incoming 7th graders

Open House presentation for 2019-2020 school year.


Welcome to Advanced STEM!

Welcome to Advanced STEM!


Get ready to explore! Dream Big!

"To accomplish great things we must dream as well as act." - Anatole France "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought." - Albert von Szent-Gyorgy "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."— Albert Einstein
THIS IS WHAT A SCIENTIST LOOKS LIKE Change the perception of who and what a scientist is or isn't.

THIS IS WHAT A SCIENTIST LOOKS LIKE Change the perception of who and what a scientist is or isn't.

This is what a scientist looks like....

real scientists and real people... the diverse face of science and engineers
Check out all the different ways you can be "doing science".  
Careers in Science & Engineering

Careers in Science & Engineering

The Branches of Science and Engineering are diverse. Check out all the different things you can choose to do with Science and Engineering


10 types of scientist

Not all scientists wear white coats and work in labs. There are a wide variety of jobs and careers that require knowledge and application of science, from research to business and from regulation to teaching.

The Science Council has identified 10 types of scientist working today

from Science News for Kids:




Passion-based science education!  
After seeing A.J. Juliani speak at the recent Learning and the Brain Conference about the Google 20% Project and Genius Hour, I was inspired to implement something similar in Advanced STEAM. A large portion of class time is dedicated to choice-based learning in addition to whole class engineering and problem solving challenges.  
A STEAM framework integrated with the Next Generation Science Standards, students research, propose, design, engineer, invent, create, document, revise, interview, collaborate and produce a product. Students have the opportunity to choose from a selection of ideas or brainstorm and propose one of their own. Advanced STEM is a largely a self directed course under the guidance of the teacher. 

Project Topics: Students choose 2-3 topics to cover in depth over the course of the trimester. Students are encouraged to propose alternatives that are passion-based yet related to scope of STEAM in 7th grade. All student proposals require teacher approval.


  • littleBits and Engineering Challenges: Robotics and Inventions: Robotics and Inventions

  • Environmental Ecology/Citizen Science/Pollution & Climate Change- identifying problems- designing/proposing solutions  

  • Field Study and Nature Journaling- in depth nature study using the Cavitt Nature Trail

  • The Human Genome/ Biotech and Bioengineering

  • Medical Detectives / Advanced  Body Systems,/ Advanced Dissections

  • The Art and Science of Folding- Origami Projects and Applied Sciences


Society for Science:

Student Science

littleBits & Inventions

Inventions: History Channel
What are littleBits? 
Arduino Programming Tutorials
YouTube Arduino help
Origami: The Science of Folding
Paper Challenge 2018
Inventions: What's in our Future? 
High Speed Transportation 

Env. Ecology & Citizen Science

Environmental Ecology:  Issues - Pollution; Endangered Species; Energy Sources; Ocean Pollution (gyres); Plastics; Global Warming; Sustainability; GMO’s; Water Quality; Clean Water Availability; Ecosystems and Niches

Resources: Open to proposals
USDA Climate Hubs: Climate Change
Citizen Scientist Opportunities
National Geographic: Citizen Science Project Ideas
Xerces Society- Invertebrate Conservation including Bees, Butterflies and Dragonflies
Science News for Students- What's happening in science?!


Cavitt Nature Trail: Field/Nature Journal; Native vs Invasive Species Identification; Edible Plants; Erosion Control; Water Quality Sampling; Poison Oak Remedies

Plant ID app:
Garden Answers Plant Identification (free)
Tree ID Guide online: What Tree is That?
Oak Species: 

California Native Plant Society Sacramento:

Redbud Chapter (Placer County) of CA Native Plant Society

USDA Plants Database

Interactive ID Keys

Tending the Wild: Kat Anderson - UC Davis "Tending the Wild" shines light on the environmental knowledge of indigenous peoples across California by exploring how they have actively shaped and tended the land for millennia, in the process developing a deep understanding of plant and animal life.

Nature Tracks: Mammal, Herp, Bird, Invertebrates
Sierra Foothills Audubon Society: Bird Lists
Audubon Society Birds
"Pests": Insects & Bugs and other pests
Ask An Entomologist
Watersheds: USGS Water Science School

The Human Genome

The Human Genome: Advanced Genetics and Epigenetics- Pedigrees; Human Traits; Behavioral vs Structural; Nature vs. Nurture; Gene Therapy; Cloning; Genetic Engineering; Bioethics
Biotech & Bioengineering 
Epigenetics resources:
It Runs in Families: Genetics Home Reference
Learn Genetics UT:  A wealth of genetics resources
USDA Biotech
What is CRISPR?  Live Science article  New Scientist article
What is Bioengineering?  LiveScience article

Medical Detectives/ Adv. Body Systems

Explore more as a Medical Detective become a diagnostician
More from PLTW's program.  
Agents that make us sick Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses and Protists 
Mysterious Miscommunications and our Nervous System
Also advanced dissections:  Brain, Earthworm, Rat, Fetal Pig 

Exploratorium : Snacks

Choose at least 3 "Snacks" to explore and build.

The Art and Science of Folding

The art of paper folding is inspiring science

Researchers use various types of origami to tackle a host of problems  Read about it!

6 ways the centuries-old art of origami is bringing us the future

The mathematical principles behind the art make it all possible. Read more 
Find Us on Instagram

Find Us on Instagram

We're on Instagram! 
 Follow us and see samples of student work documenting their progress and accomplishments this trimester!