Choose Your Own Chapter!Top of Page

How do we cover Chapters 10, 11, and 12 in three weeks?
Divide and conquer!
  • You choose which topic you'd like to focus on: plants, invertebrates, or vertebrates
  • In a group of 1-4 students, you'll work on an investigative project that will probably take all three weeks.
  • Study the vocab words for your chapter (they are already in Quizlet!)
  • Make an illustrated vocab card for one of the words in your chapter
  • Do workbook pages for the 5 sections of your chapter
  • Do worksheets for the 5 sections of your chapter
  • Take a 10-point quiz on each of the 5 sections of your chapter
  • Take a crossword-style vocabulary test for your chapter
Listen up in class for all you need to know to ace this unit
(and learn some cool stuff)!

Key Questions for Chapter 12Top of Page

What is a Vertebrate?
  • What are the characteristics of chordates and vertebrates?
  • How have scientists been able to infer the relationships of the major groups of vertebrates?
  • How do vertebrates differ in the way they control body temperature?
  • What are the characteristics of most fishes?
  • What are the major groups of fishes and how do they differ?
  • What is the life cycle of an amphibian?
  • How are adult amphibians adapted to living on land?
  • What adaptations allow reptiles to live on land?
  • What are the characteristics of each of the three main groups of reptiles?
  • What environmental change may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?
  • What are the main characteristics of birds?
  • What characteristics do all mammals share?
  • What are the main groups of mammals and how do they differ in their reproduction?

ResourcesTop of Page