Here's what you need to know about earning extra credit points in my 7th grade science class:
  • You can earn up to 10 points of extra credit for each textbook chapter that we cover.
  • Your extra credit points go in the "Homework" category in PowerSchool.
  • In PowerSchool, your extra credit points will show up on the same day as the chapter test. For example, the extra credit points for Chapter 1 are dated August 29, the same day as the Chapter 1 test. The Chapter 2 extra credit points will show up on Sept. 30, the same day of the Chapter 2 test.
  • You can turn in as many extra credit items as you like. But remember, you can only score 10 points of extra credit for each chapter.
There are four options for earning those 10 extra credit points. Each option is described below in the tabs.

Chapter Review Questions

Earn 1 point for each correctly answered question, up to a maximum of 10.
Choose any of the non-multiple choice questions in the "Review and Assessment" section at the end of a chapter. For each chapter we will be studying, you can find these questions on the following pages:
Chapter 10, page 402 Chapter 11, page 448  Chapter 12, page 498
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you're writing these questions and answers, be sure to enter the number of the question as it appears on the "Review and Assessment" page.

Science News Article Reviews

Earn up to 5 points for each science news article review.
Find an interesting news article about some current scientific research, read it, then answer the questions on my "Science News Article Review" form. You can find a PDF version of the form in the left hand column of this web page. I also have paper copies of the form in class.
To earn full credit, you must follow the instructions exactly, answer all the questions, and use proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
Science News is a great source. The URL for the online version of this publication is:

Cornell Notes

Earn up to 5 points for each section.
As you read a section in a chapter of the textbook, you can take notes on my "Cornell Notes Template" form. Use the left column of the form to write headings, vocabulary words, or questions you might have as you read. To earn full credit, you must take notes on the entire section. You also have to give an informed answer to the question at the end: what do you think is the most important concept in the section and why.
You can find a PDF version of the form in the left hand column of this web page. I also have paper copies of the form in class.

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