

  • I encourage nightly reading of about 20 minutes. Students must create a book report at the end of each semester to show me what they have read. The book report directions are listed under "Important Documents."
Important Documents

Important Documents

Welcome students and parents. Feel free to use this site as a tool that keeps you involved with what is due and act as a reminder of my expectations. This is a rigorous literature and composition course aligned with the Common Core State Standards for 8th grade.  In English 8, students explore emerging themes and experiences depicted in literatures from across the globe while using technology that supplements our work.  Language Art students respond to and analyze a variety of literary genres, develop formal writing skills through essay and research assignments, and fine-tune listening and speaking skills.
Important Links

Important Links

Cavitt Home Page

My Google Classroom Codes

Period 2: 7yom5bu

Period 4: nbbjnjc
Period 5: bq7umjo

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Required Class Materials

Required Class Materials

  • Spiral-bound notebook
  • žHighlighter, pencil, and pen (blue or black)
  • ž1-1 ½  inch three-ringed binder
  • ž8 ½ x 11” loose-leaf paper