- Parents
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Volunteering at Cavitt - sign up here! ![]()
Volunteering at Cavitt - sign up here!
Welcome, Parents!
Welcome, Parents!![]()
Welcome, Parents!
Welcome to Cavitt Junior High School! We are excited to have your child attend junior high school with us! This transition is exciting and yet, sometimes creates anxiety for parents as well as students. Before embarking on this milestone journey, I want to reassure you that Cavitt is focused on creatively supporting your child(ren) to ensure a transition that is as smooth as possible!
As the instructional leader of Cavitt Junior High School, I wanted to highlight some of our most notable achievements over the past few years. I am very proud of our students and their accomplishments--I truly believe that these achievements are the direct result of the Cavitt staff's focused efforts and thoughtful collaboration in all departments. We have a strong knowledge of what has worked; but, we believe in continuous improvement and focus on innovations to support student learning! Cavitt’s staff truly represents the best of both worlds: vibrant, innovative ideas coupled with time-proven strategies and skills!

Cavitt Recognition Awards

- EPIC Focus of Cavitt is our Science Technology Engineering (Art) and Mathematics Program
- Computer Science and Coding enrichment which includes building an APP, utilizing Google Suite more efficiently, and other tech skills.
- STEM 7: Project Lead the Way is a unique Cavitt class that offers a year-long course focused on Engineering Challenges, Forensic Science, and the Human Body (including mammalian eye, heart, and brain dissections) directly related to the NGSS Science Standards. This course supports maintaining science as high interest and career-oriented for our 7th graders. (STEaM)
- ADVANCED STEM 7 Trimester 3 was developed around the Genius Hour concept; a STEM framework integrated with the NGSS, including littleBits, Field Studies around the Cavitt Nature Trail, and Environmental Ecology. Students research, propose, design, engineer, invent, create, document, revise, interview, collaborate, and produce. STEM 7 is a prerequisite for ADV STEM/STEaM.
- Project Lead the Way 8 (8th Grade Elective) area courses are chosen independently as a one-trimester class at a time and are not dependent on each other. Topics include Gateway to Technology coursework. Design & Modeling with CAD software and Automation & Robotics utilizing VEX Robotics are taught, which supports the P.L.T.W. curriculum at GBHS. (STEaM)
- Zero Period is an optional extra period that allows students to take an additional enrichment class.
- Spanish 1 is a high-school-level course that can meet the requirement for high school Spanish 1.
- Spanish 2 is a high-school-level course that can meet the requirement for high school Spanish 2.
- Concert & Symphonic Band is an outstanding program that feeds into GBHS Emerald Brigade.
- Positive Psychology enrichment allows students to investigate mindfulness and impacts our campus with positivity.
- Rotating electives trimester-long electives like woodshop, ceramics, media, life skills to name a few.
- CJSF Chapter for our high achieving students who also believe in community service.
- Cowboy Crew is a lunchtime facilitated social skills opportunity for ANY student! Students can play games and practice social skills with the support of a Cavitt Counselor or EUSD Speech Therapist.
- GATE students are placed in GATE Trained Teacher classes in English / Language Arts when requested and Individualized GATE Plans are created for each student.
- Cavitt Round-up provides weekly emails with embedded fliers that will keep your family informed.
- CTV News is a student-driven, live broadcast presented daily, then uploaded on our website.
- Intramurals are class–to–class competitions at lunchtime featuring New York-style Kickball, Pickleball, etc.
- Library/Media Center is open every day before school and through the lunch period. Students may spend their nutrition break and lunchtime in the Library.
- Craft Days, Book Groups and Maker’s Space activities support our students in our library!
- Cavitt Success for All (CSFA) is a counseling program for academically struggling learners.
- Reading and Math Intervention is provided for struggling students within the school day
- Study Skills Class focused on organization and work completion
- Afterschool Academic Support
- MathLab is offered 3x a week by credentialed math teachers;
- Study Hall is offered 4x a week in the Library/Media Center with access to computers. Tutoring by individual teachers offering tutoring sessions before school, after school, during lunchtime, and by request.
- Naviance Career Exploration
- Depression education for 7th Grade Students
- Depression education for 8th Grade Students
- “Say Something” lessons for all students
- Positive Psychology Enrichment Courses
- Comprehensive Enrichment Course Schedule to Inspire Students
Reading about our wonderful campus for students won’t allow you to fully connect with us as letters are impersonal. So, If you are able to, please consider joining us for our Open House on May 12th. Our STE(a)M classes open at 6:15 and all classes are open from 6:30-7:30 pm. Cavitt is a unique school, where all staff cares about our students deeply and where we “wear our hearts on our sleeves”. Learning has NEVER been so fun and so focused on readying students for their future education and careers!
We, as a staff, stay focused on academic excellence. However, we do so, in a manner that is mindful of the unique challenges that adolescents experience.